Thursday, February 25, 2010

Great Progress

Christy continues to make great progress in her rehabilitation efforts at Shepherd. This past week has been packed full of great accomplishments and first time events. As some of you may know, Christy had two trips off campus this week. Her first outing was a little shopping at a CVS which is located just a few blocks from the Shepherd Center. The biggest event was dinner out on the town at a local Ruby Tuesdays. I think she really enjoyed both of her trips tremendously. If nothing else, the change of scenery was refreshing. It's also my understanding that Christy's acting career got it's start this week. I believe she's involved in a hospital produced educational video on do's and dont's in a wheelchair. That should be interesting.

I continue to be amazed by Christy's accomplishments over this short period of time. It's hard to believe but by tomorrow (Friday) she will have completed her second full week of rehab and she doesn't seem to be slowing down by any means. By the end of the day I know she is exhausted but she continues to persevere. Christy I'm so proud of you!

The kids and I continue to do well at home but we sure do miss our girl. This past week has been packed full of basketball, wrestling, dentists appointments, a bit of sickness, school work and general chaos. All that being said, I would be remiss if I didn't give a big shout out to all the wonderful folks at Newburgh Elementary School. Starting Sunday, we had a "pizza party" compliments of the 3rd grade staff. Tuesday was Mrs. Green (Sam's 1st grade teacher) cooking up chicken tenders and her awesome green bean casserole. Thursday consisted of a home style fried chicken dinner from the 2nd grade team. Thanks again.

In closing, I want to acknowledge all the get well cards, notes of encouragement, financial offerings and prayers. There are too many good people for me to single out individually, so please accept a collective "thank you" from Christy, the children and myself.


1 comment:

  1. Randy,

    I've been keeping up on the posts etc. I am so thankful for Christy's progress. Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep strong, keep positive and keep faithful.

    All the best.

    Todd May and family
