Saturday, February 13, 2010

Personal Message from Christy

Personal message from Christy to all of you-Friday evening

I just want to thank everyone for all their prayers, love and support..... it has been overwhelming how you have all reached out so much to me personally by visits, financially, prayers and all the well wishes. Thanks also to all of you who have reached out to me even though you only know of me through others. I am going to give this my BEST fight and I am confident that I am at the right place and I am continuing to get stronger everyday.

We had a safe flight today from Evansville to Atlanta at the Shepherd Center, we arrived about 12:30 eastern standard time. We arrived just minutes ahead of the snowstorm. This place is amazing and the staff are excellent. Thank you all so so much for all your support and prayers, I feel them daily as I work hard and heal. I feel this all is in God's hands and that this happened for a reason. He already knows the outcome and He will see me through. I love you all very much and look forward to coming home and seeing you all! Randy and the kids are coming down today to check this place out and they are VERY excited to see where Mommy is going to be for the next few weeks.
love to you all


  1. Bless you Christy...glad you made it safely. It is so good to hear words from you - very comforting. Your spirit is amazing - always has been and we know, will continue. We're with you, kid -
    With love,
    Ron & Julie

  2. Christy as you start your new journey I know your tenacity and faith in God will get you through this with flying colors.
    (Ellie & Emmas Grammie)

  3. I am glad you made it there safe and sound. Now is the time to be selfish!! You are there to take care of YOU!! Focus on yourself, learn all that you can. You will be amazing.

    Kim Stoltz

  4. Hey girl, I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to come to Atlanta, we'll can make it a girls trip. You are loved and missed so much. Stay strong and know that you can do it! Deb

  5. Best of luck to you, Christy. We are all pulling for you. We are glad you are in such a great facility and we know you'll do your best to get strong. Stay positive! God bless you and the whole family. The Ciuffetellis

  6. Christy,
    You truly are an amazing woman! When Jill sent me the picture of you I was so happy to see your smile! You are in our prayers everyday. Isabelle prays for "Misty Trolley" every night :). You have sooooo many people praying for you. I know that our God is a healer and you are a faithful servant. Stay strong! We look forward to your homecoming!
    Emily Ryan

  7. Christy, You think we are all overwhelming you, but your strength has touched so many people!! We continue to pray for you, Randy and the kids! Alayna and Evan have made you tons of valentine's!! I'll have to send them to you. Please know that we will do anything to help here so you can do what you need to do in Atlanta! Tell Randy that the kids are more than welcome anytime!! Randy and the kids are so blessed to have an amazingly strong wife and mother!!
    Love, Jennica, Daniel, Jacob, Alayna, Evan, and Austin Pritchard

  8. Christy, I can hear your voice in the words you posted. You are truly amazing. Sheperd is a fantastic clinic. I know you will be the "star student." Love you, Jody
