Monday, February 22, 2010

Week Two of Rehab

Just an update as to what has been happening with Christy and our family. The kids and I said our "goodbyes" on Saturday afternoon as we left Atlanta on our way back home to Indiana. Although it was tough leaving, I think it was best for all involved. Christy needs the time to focus on her rehab and we all need to get back to our routines. The departure was eased by the fact that Christy's dear friend, Amy McDowell was still visiting and would be there till Sunday morning.

Christy got to take her first shower since entering the hospital. She was able to complete this new task with such flying colors, her P.T. and Amy were once again awed! By the sound of her voice, I could tell that shower was one of her highlights thus far. From that point, the weekend only got better. Sunday she was able to have lunch and visit with Molly who came over from Augusta, GA. Christy said the weather was absolutely perfect and they got to spend their time outside in the secret garden. Later in the afternoon, Christy got a visit from her friend Suzie who moved away from Evansville to Atlanta about 3 years ago. Christy said their visit was wonderful and they were able to pick right up from where they left off.

Sunday evening started as the kids and I had a "pizza party" compliments of the 3rd grade staff at Newburgh Elementary School. We finished off the night with about 30 minutes of Skype time with Christy. What a perfect ending to the day and a great start for week two of rehab.



  1. Thanks so much for the update Randy! You guys are all amazing and I am so impressed how you've taken what God has given you and ran with it! Again, please let me know if there's ANYTHING we can do. We're just across the road!

    Missy Patterson

  2. 2 Corinthians 4:18 "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."

    So, put your faith in the unseen eternal realm. The things which are eternal are not subject to change. God's Word is eternal and it contains 7,000 promises to cover any circumstance you'll ever face. As God's Word says these promises will forever be the same. Center your attention on the eternal truths of God and look not to the things which are seen. After all, they're subject to change! I am standing on God's promise for you that which His Word says, "1 Peter 2:24 By His stripes you were healed" Agape Community Church Cindy Lenn
