Thursday, February 11, 2010

Progress Update

Wednesday was a huge day for Christy. Randy was able to get her out and about the hospital in a wheel chair while she visited with Jason McDowell and Brad Ferris. The change of scenery was good for her spirit and the conversation was brisk. Later in the afternoon, Christy was moved from the trauma ICU to a private room. Although she hated to leave all the wonderful and caring personnel, this was a big step in her recovery because at that point it was clear that Christy was no longer an ICU patient. Christy's road to recovery is still in the early stages, however, her progress has been tremendous. Please accept thanks from Christy's family to all the many friends and well wishers for all the support during this time.


  1. Christy,

    How wonderful a day it was. Many more to come. As an ICU Nurse those are big days and fearful days for you and family and gratifying days for the nurse and doctor. Its like that day we send our kids off to school we know there is more learning and growing to do. Some obsticles along the way but we know they will make it and do well. Know you have that same support and love behind you filled with many prayers from all over the country. One day I had a patients mother that came back to visit and said "I realized one day you were there at the first steps and now you have more people to help, the family just keeps growing" as yours will.

    God Bless You,
    Looking Forward to a Chat one day,
    Stacey Hill

  2. Yea for Christy....We love ya.
    Dale, Laura,Ellie, and Emma

  3. Keep up the hard work in Atlanta!
    Karen Lawson

  4. So glad to hear you are out of ICU!
    Lisa Bennett

  5. Christy,
    You look absolutely beautiful in your pic and your smile is truly amazing! We are thinking of you each and every day. We pray for strength and much success while you are in Atlanta.

    Love, Scott, Jaimie, Carlie & Ellie
